Let’s get personal

When I consider the amount of my personal life that I am willing to share in this public space, it's honestly so very little, that in fact its nearly none at all. As far as I've disclosed, a few of you may have heard that I'm a mother and wife. What I'm certain you know … Continue reading Let’s get personal

Interview with Northern California Sacramento + Modesto Adventure Photographer | Wesley Harden |

English major, Photographer, and Entrepreneur, Wesley Harden is taking success and making it his own. Growing up in sunny California where the sunsets are stunning, Wesley tells us about his initial inspiration for photography and his reason why he chose to major in English. We learn of his interest in literature, entertainment, and his biggest … Continue reading Interview with Northern California Sacramento + Modesto Adventure Photographer | Wesley Harden |

A letter to my neglected interests.

Its 2am, and my muse woke me whispering metaphors of apology that bore remembering... Dear blog, there is no time to think. No time to birth thoughts or concepts to purge onto the page. No time to take correlating pictures to stories I wish to tell. No time to fathom fictional ideals worth repeating. Dear … Continue reading A letter to my neglected interests.